Mr. Richard Hackney, Jr.


Richard Hackney has led organizations in both the biotechnology and investment sectors. Mr. Hackney has served as CEO, President and Director for BRT Laboratories, Inc. & Baltimore Rh Typing Laboratory, Managing Member, Hackney & Company LLC, Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager for U.S. Trust, Partner and Portfolio Manager for Alex Brown and Sons, and Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager for JP Morgan in addition to participating as an early stage investor for numerous start-ups in cable television, telecommunications, and various business services.

Richard received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from Morehouse College, his MBA in Finance from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and his JD degree from the Boston College Law School. He has served board, trustee and membership roles in a variety of organizations including: Mayor of Baltimore’s Task Force on Solar Power,The Howard County Equal Business Opportunity Commission, The Maryland Institute of College Art, The Glenelg Country School, The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, The Alvin Ailey Dance Theater Foundation of Maryland, The College Savings Plans of Maryland, The Maryland Venture Capital Trust, Gamma Boule, Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, The Baltimore Guardsmen, and The National Association of Corporate Directors.