Photovoltaics and Microelectronics Research Laboratory (PMRL) in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of the District of Columbia (UDC) is located in Washington DC, 4 miles away to white house and is funded by MSI STEM Research & Development Consortium (MSRDC) and Department of Energy (DOE) Promoting Pathways for Underrepresented Groups in Solar Energy Scientific and Technological Innovation. PMRL Laboratory focuses on research of earth-abundant photovoltaics and semiconductor processing, nanofabrication, characterization and simulation of photovoltaics and semiconductor devices. The project will have an opportunity collaborate with world-class neighboring organization-National Renewable Energy laboratory (NREL), Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Brookhaven National Laboratory etc.A postdoctoral position is available in the Photovoltaics PMRL laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of the District of Columbia (UDC).The position is for a full-time Postdoctoral Research Associate and will start in August 2024.
Position Description
Photovoltaics and Microelectronics Research Laboratory is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate in fabrication and characterization of inorganic-organic hybrid perovskite solar cells for solar energy applications.The initial appointment will start at August 2024 and end by May 31, 2025, with possible renewal depending on funding availability. The principal investigator will continue to apply for funding to support your research.
This position will focus on development of inorganic-organic hybrid perovskite solar cells to improve efficiency and reliability. Your duties include: (1) fabrication of electron transport layer, perovskite layer, hole transport layer and electronics to form perovskite solar cells; (2) development of interface engineering at perovskite layer and electron transport layer to enhance efficiency and stability; 3) investigating reliability of perovskite solar cells according to standard reliability testing methods; 4) characterization of thin-films and perovskite solar cells via the use of a range of advanced techniques; 5) Assisting in supervising PhD and undergraduate students involved in the project.
The candidate must have PhD degree in relevant discipline area such as Chemistry, Materials Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Mechanical engineering etc. The candidate must have extensive and strong experiences on fabrication, characterization and modeling of perovskite solar cells and broad knowledge of the latest developments with Perovskite solar cells. The candidate has strong academic record with journal publications and presentations at conferences in perovskite solar cell area.
·Well known perovskite solar cells.
·Extensive experience in fabrication and characterization of perovskite solar cells.
·Be able to use glovebox.
·Good publications
·OPT or Green Card or US citizen
1.Expectations of the job:
·Conduct high quality research in the area of fabrication, characterization of perovskite solar cells.
·Advance perovskite solar cell efficiency and stability and achieve critical goals.
·Supervise and works closely with graduate and undergraduate students in the project.
·Present and publishes research findings at conferences and peer reviewed journals.
·Participate with teaching and outreach activities.
·Attend group meetings and Prepare progress reports.
Offer details:
Annual Salary: $61,200/year, start in August 2024 and end May 31, 2025, with the possibility to be extended depending on funding availability.
Open until filled, expect to start in August 2024.A detailed CV with a list of publications should be included.Interested applicants should send your C.V. to Dr. Hongmei Dang ([email protected]). We do appreciate your time and effort in applying for this position. We are committed to responding within seven business days. The interview process is very straightforward.Looking forward to having you on board!
Equal Opportunity Employer: The university provides all training required by OSHA to ensure employee safety. The University of the District of Columbia is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE).