Opportunities with the Department of Energy Advanced Manufacturing Office

04/22/2022 01:05 PM
We would like to share the following message from the DOE Advanced Manufacturing Office

In an effort to improve our workforces’ awareness concerning disadvantage communities, STEM,  and Environmental Justice & Energy Justice (EEJ) the Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) is looking to create an educational series led by the voices of the communities we are looking to serve better. Often times government employees do not get the opportunity to hear directly from the communities and/or its representatives. This creates and reinforces barriers to relationship building, knowledge acquisition and the empathy generation pivotal for policy and programmatic improvement. We are looking for 1-hr trainings forums, conversations or panels on the following subjects: 

  1. Intersectionality and EEJ
  2. Race and EEJ
  3. Gender and EEJ
  4. Disability and EEJ
  5. Ethnicity and EEJ
  6. LGBTQIA+ and EEJ
  7. Intersectionality and STEM
  8. Race and STEM
  9. Gender and STEM
  10. Disability and STEM
  11. Ethnicity and STEM
  12. LGBTQIA+ and STEM
  13. Intersectionality and Gov Funding Opportunities
  14. Race and Gov Funding Opportunities
  15. Gender and Gov Funding Opportunities
  16. Disability and Gov Funding Opportunities
  17. Ethnicity and Gov Funding Opportunities
  18. LGBTQIA+ and Gov Funding Opportunities


We are purposely leaving the topics broad so that you as the community members and representatives can have the freedom to provide new and exciting insights to our office from your points of views. It is the hope that through these discussions and trainings emerges revolutionary relationships, thoughts and application.


If you are interested in being apart of this educational series please complete the following form: https://forms.office.com/r/R6BQSVD3GP


Also please register for our email chain which is a direct connection to AMO funding opportunities, internships and other information via https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/USEERE/subscriber/new


“Share our similarities, celebrate our differences for whenever people listen to one another humbly and openly, their shared values and aspirations become all the more apparent.”